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Express European Village programme: Regional market constructed with European money in south Moldova

21:02 | 17.06.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 17 June /MOLDPRES/ - Six houses in rustic style meant for trade with local products and craftsmanship articles have been constructed in the Colibasi settlement, southern Cahul district, within the EU4Moldova: Focal Regions programme, the Express European Village and with local contributions. The new market was visited by Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu.     

According to the quoted source, the Colibasi village from Cahul becomes a European village. Besides multiple projects carried out in the last years, the local authorities managed to attract funds, in order to build a regional market for the local residents, as well as for the ones from the villages of Branza, Vadul lui Isac, as well as from the nearby settlements.  

„With the European Union’s financial support, as well as with local contributions,  six houses in rustic style, meant for the commerce with local products and craftsmanship articles, were constructed through the European Express Village programme, within the EU4Moldova: Focal Regions programme. I got acquainted there with popular craftspeople Elizaveta Dorin or Constantin Cojan; a platform of access necessary for people with locomotor problems or for wheelchairs was arranged on the adjacent area. People told me that there is already a pleasure for one to come to sell or make procurements in the new location,’’ Grosu said.     

According to the quoted source, last year, the community centre was renovated through the European Village governmental programme and earlier, due to the UN Development Programme – the sports polyvalent hall.  

„These are just some of the projects carried out in the last years and the works for rehabilitation of the road segment which connects the Colibasi village with the Vulcanesti town will start soon. Forty three million lei will be allocated from the state budget for this. The people from the Colibasi village, through their actions, prove that, when there is a united community, nice things can be carried out and I am confident that, along with such wise people, we will edify Europe in each settlement, as we can do nice things for all of us in the country as well,’’ Grosu added.    

The regional market, Cu drag de Colibași (With Love for Colibasi), modernized with the support of the European Union and UNDP, is open for all producers from south Moldova on the Cahul-Giurgiulesti segment. Placed nearby the national road, the market represents a fit place for commercial transactions and contributes to the increase in the revenues of the local producers.  










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