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Moldova, Romania to support each other in military missions, operations

16:57 | 21.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 21 June /MOLDPRES/ - The cabinet today approved a draft law on the ratification of the second Protocol on amendment of the Agreement between the governments of Moldova and Romania on cooperation in the military sector.   

The document provides for the completion of the bilateral Agreement signed in Chisinau on 20 April 2012, with an article titled, Mutual support in case of missions and operations, which establishes the mutual logistic and administrative support in the process of preparation and participation in missions and operations under the aegis of international organizations, among which the European Union.   

The Defence Ministry informed that the amendments made came following the bilateral consultations between the defence institutions of Moldova and Romania, in the context of facilitating the National Army’s participation in multinational missions and respectively, boosting Moldova’s contribution to the global efforts of maintaining the peace and stability.

The Second Protocol on amendment of the Agreement between the governments of Moldova and Romania on cooperation in the military sector was signed on 24 May 2024, during an official visit to Bucharest by Defence Minister Anatolie Nosatii.  




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