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Moldovan PM's message on Civil Servant's Day

17:55 | 23.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 23 June /MOLDPRES/- "Civil servants are people who move things in the functioning of a state. Their role is essential in our efforts to develop Moldova, including in the European Union accession process." Prime Minister Dorin Recean made the statement on Civil Servant's Day.

"We appreciate the nice things that civil servants do for every citizen of our country and we highlight those who manage to improve their work efficiency," he said.

The Prime Minister noted that during an event dedicated to the Civil Servant's Day, he awarded the best practices in public administration at both central and local levels, giving appreciation diplomas to the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection, the National Social Insurance House and Anenii Noi City Hall.

"Congratulations to all civil servants. I wish them to continue to serve as a model of integrity and transparency, acting in the public interest and in the interests of citizens," Recean said.





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