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Deputy PM says goal for negotiations to yield mutually advantageous results to Moldovan citizens, EU

18:36 | 25.06.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 25 June /MOLDPRES/ - The bilateral screening, which might last from 12 to 18 months, will be carried out following the starting of the negotiations on Moldova’s accession to EU. At the same time, the negotiations which regard the Cluster 1 – Fundamental Values, made up of five chapters, will be opened in early 2025. Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov in Luxembourg today unveiled the actions which are to be undertaken following the approval of the framework of negotiation on Moldova’s accession to EU.     

According to Deputy PM Cristina Gherasimov, the Cluster 1, which includes the justice reform, security, public procurements, statistics and the financial control, will be most difficult to be adjusted to the EU acquis and along with all chapters which regard the economy, agriculture and the environment, it might last in the process of negotiations most of all.    

„After we finish the phase of bilateral screening for the Cluster 1, the compilation of assessment reports comes next and the next stage will be the one of opening of the negotiations for Cluster 1. Within the bilateral screening process, just as we did also during the explanatory screening, teams of the government are to go to Brussels, in order to unveil our country position on each chapter of policies. The pace of negotiations depends, to a great extent, on us. We are to show progress not only in terms of adjusting the legislation, but also as regards the implementation of the acquis. In the last years, we have seen that the justice reform is a quite complex process. It is our role to show that we have stable, strong and independent democratic institutions and, at the same time, we must show that our economy is also equally prepared and competitive, in order to cope with the forces of competition, both on the European market and internationally,’’ the official said.         

The deputy prime minister noted that the intergovernmental meeting held in Luxembourg today would start with the presentation of the framework of negotiation for Moldova. It will comprise the basic principles and procedures which are to be adopted by Moldova. The Luxembourg conference will be opened by the Belgian diplomacy head, Hadja Lahbib, which will unveil the framework of negotiation along with European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Oliver Varhelyi. Subsequently, Prime Minister Dorin Recean will present Moldova’s position and the country will accept the framework of negotiation.       

„Moldova has managed, in only two years, to advance on the European integration path since the getting of the status of county candidate till the opening of the accession negotiations. Our goal is to become a full-fledged member state of the European Union, which means that we assume both the benefits and the obligations which come from this status. At the same time, we aim at negotiations to yield results which are to be mutually advantageous for our citizens, as well as for EU,’’ Cristina Gherasimov said.   

As for the Transnistrian region, the deputy PM specified that ‘’it is part of Moldova and the acquis is proposed for adoption and implementation on all the territory of Moldova.’’

„The so-called Tiraspol authorities are to know, if interested, and we should discuss how we can implement the EU acquis on the territory of the Transnistrian region as well. We will do our utmost, especially in the context of the EU’s economic attraction for the Transnistrian region. During the last year, 70 per cent the exports from the Transnistrian region were directed to the European market and in the first months of this year, 80 per cent of the exports from the region were directed to the EU markets. Respectively, we believe that there is that economic attraction which might interest the so-called authorities to implement the EU acquis,’’ Cristina Gherasimov stressed.      

The negotiations on Moldova’s accession to the European Union are officially launched at an intergovernmental conference in Luxembourg today. The country’s delegation is led by Prime Minister Dorin Recean. Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov is present in Luxembourg as chief negotiator in the process of Moldova’s accession to the European Union.    

Following the conference, Moldova and the European Union are to agree on the General Negotiation Position – the document in which Moldova accepts the framework of negotiation proposed by EU and which shows the principles and guidelines established in the framework of negotiation.   




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