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BNS: Information and census centers opened for people who have not yet participated in census

18:27 | 01.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 1 /MOLDPRES/- 43 information and census centers were opened today throughout the country. These are fixed locations where non-census respondents can approach for information or to fill in the electronic census questionnaire on the spot. The decision was taken in order to increase the coverage of the population in the census.

They are located in each district, in Chisinau and Balti municipalities and Gagauzia. The addresses can be found at the following link

They will operate until July 7, 2024 with a working hours from Monday to Sunday, between 08:00 - 21:00.

The National Statistics Bureau has clarified that the centers will be able to register only persons residing in the district or municipality within the radius of which they will be registered.

There are only seven days left for the census of people who have not yet been surveyed. BNS has urged the population to be receptive and open to participate in the census in order to be included in the 2024 Population and Housing Census results.

According to BNS data, by the end of June 30, 2024, about 1 million 640 thousand dwellings and about 2 million 405 thousand persons were enumerated in the Population and Housing Census by the end of June 30, 2024.

The Population and Housing Census was launched on April 8 and will run until July 7.



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