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Moldovan foreign minister denies rumors on authorities' intention to introduce visas for Russian citizens: It is a fake

15:00 | 02.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 2 /MOLDPRES/- Foreign Minister Mihai Popșoi denies rumors spreading in the public space that the Chisinau authorities will require visas for Russian citizens ahead of the presidential elections and referendum. "It's a fake," Popșoi said at "La 360 de grade" show on Radio Moldova.

He said that free movement between Moldova and the Russian Federation is regulated by an agreement and there is no intention to change the document.

"Naturally, it is a fake. We have a bilateral visa-free agreement with the Russian Federation. Our citizens can go there, Russian citizens can come to the Republic of Moldova without visas. There is no change in this agreement, these possibilities to travel without visas. Moldovan citizens will continue to enjoy this right. The Republic of Moldova has no plans to undermine the right of its citizens to move freely not only in the Russian Federation, but also in other post-Soviet countries", Popșoi explained.

Popșoi said the false information disseminated in the public space is part of the hybrid war, "a clear example of how the Russian Federation is trying to destabilize the situation in the Republic of Moldova". "Why are they trying to lie and frighten the citizens of the Republic of Moldova? It is part of this hybrid war, it is a clear example of how the Russian Federation is trying to destabilize the situation in the Republic of Moldova, to antagonize part of the citizens of the Republic of Moldova against the government. This is not the first time, and probably not the last that such attempts will be made. Every time, we respond promptly and we reject these myths, these lies, these furious attacks, which are launched against us with a certain regularity that we are getting used to," the official said.

He urged citizens to be informed by reliable sources, to verify information, to think critically and to question the veracity of such messages.



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