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Moldova to get €6 million for energy efficiency of public buildings

14:24 | 02.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, July 2 /MOLDPRES/- Moldova will receive a grant worth six million euros for the energy efficiency of public buildings.

The grant will be provided by the Eastern Europe Energy Efficiency and Environment Partnership (E5P) under the grant agreement between Moldova and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) on implementation of energy efficiency measures of the Public Dwellings III project. Minister of Infrastructure and Regional Development Andrei Spînu and CEB Country Manager Valeriu Cosuleanu signed the document today.

The money is earmarked for increasing energy efficiency in the construction and renovation of public buildings in the country. 

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development said that the agreement will contribute to the development of the housing construction and renovation sector, in particular social housing, which has been severely affected by the real estate crisis, the credit squeeze and late payments.



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