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Moldova-Romania-Ukraine trilateral meeting in Chisinau

20:24 | 05.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 5 /MOLDPRES/- Foreign Minister Luminița Odobescu said in Chisinau that the joint declaration signed by Moldova, Romania and Ukraine enshrines the commitment of the three countries to act in solidarity in the context of Russia's illegal war against Ukraine.

"Romania stands by Ukraine to identify alternative energy solutions. (...) We will continue to reduce the Russian Federation's ability to use access to energy as a destabilizing element in the Black Sea region," Odobescu said.

"Ukraine's victory is indispensable, not only because it is the right thing to do, not only for the security and stability of the Black Sea region, but also to prevent the Russian Federation from unleashing new aggression in the future. The support of the international community does not only come in support of Ukraine, but defends the principles and norms of the rule-based international order, in short - the entire fundamental international order in the world we live in", Odobescu said.

The Romanian diplomat attended the Romania - Republic of Moldova - Ukraine Trilateral in Chisinau, a meeting she called "of connectivity and solidarity", during which she held a joint press statement with her Moldovan counterpart, Mihai Popșoi, and her Ukrainian counterpart, Dmitro Kuleba.

A Memorandum of Understanding to combat disinformation was signed at the meeting, which Odobescu described as "proof of a shared commitment to counter this phenomenon through better structured cooperation".

The documents signed in Chisinau show that Moldova, Romania and Ukraine share common visions and are "firmly committed" to a European future, said Popșoi.

The trilateral meeting in Chisinau covered a wide range of topics, from regional energy cooperation and the joint development of a modern and resilient transport infrastructure to regional partnerships in the fight against disinformation.

The idea of developing trilateral cooperation was launched in 2022 by Romania, with the first meeting taking place on September 15 in Odessa and the second - on April 13, 2023 in Bucharest.




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