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Moldovan president's message to ASEM graduates

13:19 | 08.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, July 8 /MOLDPRES/- President Maia Sandu today congratulated over 1,000 graduates of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, the presidential press service has reported.

The head of state noted that exactly 30 years ago she was a graduate, and the Republic of Moldova, which had recently gained the independence, was at the beginning of path. 

Maia Sandu said that today the Republic of Moldova is at the beginning of a new road - "we know we want and where we are heading - we want to build European Moldova". "We need the enthusiasm, creativity and innovative spirit of young people with a solid economic background", Maia Sandu also emphasized.

The head of state urged the young people to look at the effort in the years to come as a chance to write history, in addition to their own career and their own path. 





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