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Equality Council activity report presented to Parliament

18:57 | 11.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, July 11 /MOLDPRES/- Activity report of the Equality Council in 2023 was heard today in the Parliament.

Equality Council chairman Ian Feldman unveiled the information.

Over the past year, the Equality Council has received 261 complaints regarding possible acts of discrimination. The figures show that 55% of the complainants were men. The number of rural residents complaining about alleged discrimination is also decreasing.

After examining the complaints, the Equality Council found discrimination in 27 of them. In the remaining cases, the complaints were declared inadmissible. The acts of discrimination concerned access to goods and services available to the public, employment relations, the field of justice or offenses against dignity. Compared to previous years, in 2023 no decisions of finding were issued in the field of education.

On the basis of the submitted report, the parliamentary committee on human rights and interethnic relations set up a draft resolution on recommendations addressed to the Equality Council as well as to other state institutions.


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