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Romania to provide Moldova with support for participation in peacekeeping missions

13:33 | 18.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 18 July /MOLDPRES/ - Romania will provide Moldova with support for participation in peacekeeping operations. The MPs today ratified a protocol on the Agreement between the governments of Moldova and Romania on cooperation in the military sector.    

Thus, Romania and Moldova will mutually support, in the context of training and participation in peacekeeping operations within multinational coalitions under the aegis of the United Nations, OSCE, NATO and EU. The support will see including logistic, transport backing, telephony and Internet services, financial, medical support and evacuation in emergency situations.      

The second Protocol on amendment of the Agreement between the governments of Moldova and Romania on cooperation in the military sector is aimed at facilitating the mutual providing of logistic support and services related to the joint participation in peacekeeping operations. One of the priorities of the National Army is the enhancement of the level of Moldova’s effective participation in international peacekeeping missions and operations, in order to consolidate the security and stability.    


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