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Moldovan president met by British PM at Summit of European Political Community

14:50 | 18.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau,18 July /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has been met by British Prime Minister Keir Starmer at the fourth meeting of the European Political Community (EPC), held at Blenheim Palace, Oxfordshire, the United Kingdom.   

„I am honoured to join the European leaders at the Summit of the European Political Community, in order to discuss the security of our continent and Moldova’s resilience,’’ Maia Sandu stressed on a social network.      

Also, the Moldovan president expressed gratitude to British PM Keir Starmer for the hosting at the historical Blenheim Palace.  

At the event, the head of state will have meetings with more European presidents and prime ministers, with whom she will discuss the peace and security of Moldova, the economic development and the European integration.   

The summit’s works include working groups on such subjects as: defence of the democracy, migration, energy and connectivity. The head of state will chair, along with President of France Emmanuel Macron, a working group, in which the leaders of more countries and international organizations will take part; the participants in the event will discuss the subject on the defence of the democracy.   

The European Political Community represents a key platform of discussions between the European countries about peace and security on the European continent, as well as other common problems. Moldova hosted the second EPC summon on 1 June 2023.   

So far, the European Political Community has convened three times in the Czech Republic, Moldova and Spain.



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