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Romanian physician awarded Doctor Honoris Causa honorific title of Nicolae Testemitanu Moldovan Medical University

10:45 | 19.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 19 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Moldova (USMF) has awarded the honorific title of Doctor Honoris Causa to the head of the medical sciences section of the Romanian Academy, physician Victor Voicu.      

The ceremony took place on 16 July, in the presence of the members of the USMF Senate, representatives of Moldova’s Academy of Sciences (ASM), scientific and teaching staff, students, resident physicians, people training for doctor’s degree, family of the professor and other guests.   

In his Laudatio, USMF Rector Emil Ceban said that the honorific titled had been awarded to professor Voicu ‘’ as a token of deep gratitude and high appreciation of the prodigious activity nationally and internationally, of the substantial contribution to the carrying out of scientific researches, of the praiseworthy results in the promotion of the medical science and practice, in training scientific staff of high qualification, in the joint working out of national and international projects.’’      

Also, this gesture highlights the Romanian professor’s considerable contribution to the improvement of the image of the Nicolae Testemitanu USMF from Moldova in the scientific and medical community of Romania, as well as the recognition of the exceptional contribution in the field of medical sciences and international academic cooperation.   

President of Moldova’s Academy of Science Ion Tighineanu emphasized the role of university professor Victor Voicu in the establishment of a fruitful cooperation between the academies of sciences from both banks of the Prut river, especially in researching the 5G phenomenon, approaching the vaccination on the period of Covid-19 pandemic, reforms in the nano-technologies, donation of books for the Nicolae Testemitanu USMF and ASM.     

For his part, professor Victor Voicu said he was grateful for the title awarded. ‘’The more prestigious a university is, the more prestigious title it awards is and the Nicolae Testemitanu USMF is extremely important for us, the Romanians, being a symbol of the values and the Romanian spirit. I am quite delighted and happy for you awarding me this title, as I considered that we are in consensus, think in the same way, fight for the same values, for the same ideals. We fight for the value of the Romanian medicine and its contribution to the public health,’’ the professor stressed.      

Academician Victor Voicu has been member of the Romanian Academy since 1991. He is author of over 30 invention patents for getting new medicines, most of which were implemented in practice. The professor holds the office of president of the Romanian Society of Pharmacology, Therapeutics and Clinic Toxicology, honorary president of the Romanian Society of the Neuro-psycho-pharmacology, member of the Academy of Sciences and the American Chemical Society from New York.    



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