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Moldovan Central Electoral Commission informs about public consultations for three projects on organization of vote by correspondence

13:32 | 19.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 19 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Central Electoral Commission (CEC) has initiated public consultations on a draft decision, On the approval of the Instruction on the procedure of vote by correspondence at the elections for the office of Moldova’s president and the republican referendum from 20 October 2024.   

The goal of working out the draft instruction is to establish the mechanism of filling in the ballot paper, as well as the procedures for the returning of the envelops by the voters through post offices or courier services.  

Also, CEC initiated public consultations on a draft decision, On the approval of the instruction on the procedure of counting, centralization and posting of the results of the vote by correspondence.

The goal of the draft’s elaboration is to clearly establish the mechanism of the electoral procedures, develop the legal provisions which would comprise regulations about the counting, centralizing and filling in of the official report on the vote by correspondence.   

Another draft regards the Instruction on the distance identification of voters through digital means. Its elaboration comes from the need to regulate the way of identification of the voters who asked to be registered for the exercising of the vote by correspondence, in order to verify the identity, and as case may be, confirm the application on registration for the vote by correspondence.    

Moldova will implement the vote by correspondence in next autumn. The parliament adopted a draft law to this end in last April. Moldovan citizens from the USA, Canada, Iceland, Finland, Norway and Sweden will exercise their right to vote by correspondence at the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum on Moldova’s accession to EU.    



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