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Company due to construct bridge across Prut river in Ungheni nominated

10:16 | 23.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - The winner of the contract for the construction of the first bridge at the level of highway across the Prut river from Ungheni (Romania) – Ungheni (Moldova) has been selected. The state secretary of the Romanian Transport Ministry, Irinel Ionel Scriosteanu, made statements to this effect.  

The duration of the contract will be of 24 months, of which six months for designing and 18 months for the implementation. At the same time, the financing source is provided from European non-refundable funds worth over 151.68 million lei, without value added tax (VAT), through the Connecting Europe Facility.   

„We promised to switch from flowers bridges to stone bridges and we keep our promise,’’ Irinel Ionel Scriosteanu said.   

The contract provides for the carrying out of 261.20 metres of new bridge across the Prut river (by one bridge for each direction of movement); two lanes for one direction + sidewalks; 13 metres the width of the new bridge (Stage I) + 11.25 metres (Stage II); 8 metres width of roadway; 1 km length of the route; 4 x 3.75 metres of connection roadway; border crossing checkpoint due to be endowed with parks for big vehicles, touring cars and closed spaces meant for the thorough verification of touring cars and TIR trucks.   

The bridge across the Prut river from Ungheni is part of the project of the A8 Highway and which will have a border crossing point, which will interconnect the road infrastructure between both states: the Highway Targu Mures – Iasi – Ungheni – state border (on Romania’s territory) and the National Road R1 Chisinau – Ungheni – border with Romania (on the territory of Moldova).   




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