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GOVERNMENT EDIFIES // Works of construction of M3 road Chisinau-Comrat-Giurgiulesti-border with Romania in full swing

11:55 | 23.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - The State Administration of Roads (ASD) informs about a continuous progress on the site of construction of the highway M3 Chisinau-Comrat-Giurgiulesti-border with Romania (bypass road of Vulcanesti town) km 0.00-8.58. Presently, asphalting works are carried out on a segment of 2.5 km of the belt road, after the finishing of the pavement mixture from aggregate, stabilized with cement.    

"Despite the high air temperatures on this period, the work on the site continues and in the last week, the entrepreneur managed to finish the works of putting about 4,600 tons of basic layer of asphalt concrete on the segment between the km 0+100 – km 2+100. Also, another test segment was carried out for the second layer of asphalt – binder layer,’’ ASD said.      

Significant progress is recorded also in the construction of the bridge at the km 2+965, where 12-metre-long beams were brought and the delivery of 18-metre-long beams comes next. ‘’Asphaltic works are planned on new segments for next August and September,’’ the quoted source said.  

Over 180 workers and 81 special technology units are mobilized on the construction site.  







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