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Moldovan parliament speaker has farewell meeting with Ambassador of Ukraine

17:45 | 23.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu has had a farewell meeting with Ambassador of Ukraine to Moldova Marko Shevchenko. The speaker thanked the Ukrainian diplomat for the good relation established during his mandate in Moldova, the parliament’s press service reported.   

„These have been four complicated years, marked by pandemic and a merciless war of Russia in Ukraine; yet, they joined our forces and we ensured the peace and safety both of the Moldovans and Ukrainians. During all these years, we managed to organize more joint events, with the involvement of MPs, culture people, refugees, as well as to vote laws due to improve the stay of Ukrainians in Moldova,’’ the parliament speaker stressed.  

At the meeting, the sides reviewed also the priorities set for the immediately next period. ‘’Certainly, our common road is to be members of the great European family,’’ Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu added.    




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