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One case of African swine fever virus detected in Moldova

17:16 | 24.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 24 July /MOLDPRES/ - The National Food Safety Agency (ANSA) has informed about one case of African swine fever virus (ASFV) in a wild boar at a commercial farm from the northern Sangerei district.

„On 22 July, through laboratory tests, the presence of the ASFV virus was confirmed in samples collected from domestic pigs, at a commercial farm of pigs from the Sangerei district. Given the situation emerged, the Commission for Emergency Situations convened urgently and approved a plan of measures for combating and eradication of the hotbed. Restriction areas were established around the hotbed and the movement of pigs from the commercial farms of the area, the movement of pigs from non-professional exploitation, as well as the sale of the pork got from these animals were limited,’’ ANSA said.       

In 2024, 13 ASFV hotbeds were registered in Moldova, of which seven in domestic pigs and six one in wild boars. As many as 970 domestic pigs and six wild boars were destroyed because of the disease.  



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