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Moldovan cabinet approves new provisions on work of museums

11:53 | 24.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 24 July /MOLDPRES/ - The museums from Moldova will work based on new provisions, approved by the cabinet today, which will ensure the protection and the turning to good account of the sector.   

According to the government’s communication department, the draft sees the introduction of the notion of ‘’virtual museum’’ – an action needed in the context of the digitalization of the cultural heritage and the appearance of ever more entities which carry out activities specific for museums in the online environment.   

„I want to encourage the opening of ever more temporary museums in open air, just as the one of the victims of deportations, where there is also a solution of virtual reality. We have already a very good experience; I invite all people to see it and I remind that we have available also the cultural voucher, which can be used for the visiting of museums,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.  

Another novelty deals with the fact that the prices and tariffs for the services provided by the public museums will be established by institutions and approved by their founders. Also, the document regulates the way of organization and the conditions of registration of institutions in the Register of museums from Moldova.  

The guidance in the national museums will be able to be made by employees of the institutions or by external guides. They will carry out guided tours only based on accreditation, according to the norms of guide’s accreditation, due to be provided by the Culture Ministry.    

As many as 132 museums are officially registered in Moldova.  



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