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Polish PM in Chisinau says Moldova small, proud country, has all rights, including to speak out for EU's enlargement

19:25 | 04.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - It has been a natural thing that a Polish prime minister should come to Chisinau. And this not only due to the fact that we have been maintaining a friendship between our countries for much time and also not only due to the fact that I have been getting involved, for more years, as also other Polish governments, in the process of supporting the European accession of the Moldovan state, but also because we are united in the situation emerged in the region, in the context of the war in Ukraine. Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk made statements to this effect at a news conference following a today’s meeting with Prime Minister Dorin Recean.     

„Every day, we are witnesses of aggression acts. Today, when I was getting onboard the plane to come to Chisinau, I received the story about the bombardment of the centre of the Lviv city. Historical monuments and buildings were destroyed and this is a painful moment, as the Polish historical heritage from Lviv was destroyed too. I discussed a lot with Mr. Prime Minister Recean and it is indispensable that our cooperation contributes to the stabilization of the situation in the region. Both Warsaw and Chisinau will continue cooperating quite closely, in the context of the Russian aggression against Ukraine. I very much care about a just peace, based on the observance of the borders and sovereignty of all countries and I am sure that Moldova, with a patient and responsible policy, can be an example for the entire Europe,’’ Tusk said.     

The Polish PM gave assurances that the two countries would deepen the relations. ‘’We will be able to intensely collaborate in more sectors; I assured Mr. prime minister and I want to assure also all citizens of the country that Poland will act quite intensely, prudently, along with the Moldovan government, in order to speed up the process of Moldova’s ascension. I have repeatedly spoken about the need to back Moldova in the process of accession to EU. Moldova is small country, but it is proud, it has all rights, including to speak out for the enlargement of the European Union and to closely cooperate in the community’s area,’’ the prime minister of Poland said.   

According to the Polish official, the geopolitical situation is Moldova resembles the one of Poland. ‘’Our threats which we face resemble. Nobody can give us lessons on how to act in this special region. We are connected by more aspects and this is a success that Poland has become one of the principal partners of Moldova,’’ Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk said in the end.   

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk pays a visit to Chisinau. The official was met by Prime Minister Dorin Recean at the government’s headquarters at an official ceremony.   

Donald Tusk and Dorin Recean had a meeting, after which they gave a news conference. Today evening, Donald Tusk gave a speech at a festive meeting of Moldova’s parliament.

The PM of Poland will also have meetings with President Maia Sandu and Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu.    







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