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Romania provides 11.8 million Romanian lei for restoration of Moldovan Ministry of Culture

11:45 | 03.10.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, Oct. 3 /MOLDPRES/- Bucharest government approved on 2 October a decision to grant 11.8 million Romanian lei for the restoration of the Moldovan Ministry of Culture, an architectural and historical monument of national importance.

The building is located in Chisinau.

"The government has approved 11.8 million lei in support for the restoration of the monument of architecture and history of national importance in Chisinau municipality. Perhaps for those in Romania the information has no impact, but for those in Chisinau, as we know very well, there is the headquarters of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Moldova. It will be renovated, therefore, almost 50% of the total budget will come from the Romanian Government," Bucharest government spokesman Mihai Constantin said.

The financial assistance is provided under the Agreement between the Government of Romania and the Government of the Republic of Moldova on the implementation of the program of technical and financial assistance on the basis of a non-reimbursable financial aid of 100 million euros granted by Romania to the Republic of Moldova.


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