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MEP: European Parliament - strongest supporter of European integration process of Moldova

13:52 | 04.10.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, Oct. 4 /MOLDPRES/- I came directly to Chisinau to convey the firm message to Moldovan citizens: the European Parliament is still the strongest supporter of the European integration process of the Republic of Moldova. MEP Siegfried Mureșan made the statement at a joint conference with deputy speaker Doina Gherman. The official is visiting Chisinau a day after he was re-elected president of the European Parliament Delegation for relations with Moldova.

There is a pro-European majority in the current European Parliament, which in the next five years, as in the previous mandate will support the European integration of the Republic of Moldova.

"The European Parliament remains a strong supporter of the Republic of Moldova and we will have the first proof next week, when in the plenary we will debate Moldova's European path. We will adopt a resolution in support of European integration, a resolution in which we will see that the European Parliament wants to play a strong and active role, including in the EU accession negotiations. The accession negotiations are a process where the Moldovan, EU authorities will adjust the European legislation to the specifics of the place to the situation in the Republic of Moldova and this negotiation process actually means a reformation and modernization of Moldova. We want the people of Moldova to feel the benefits of European integration already during the negotiation process. We want the Republic of Moldova to participate in as many European programs as possible, to integrate step by step into the EU, even before the date of completion of the process", Mureșan said.

The MEP assured that he will work side by side with the Chisinau authorities to propel the European agenda of the Republic of Moldova.

"European integration actually means raising people's living standards. I am convinced that the Republic of Moldova is ready for integration. We also see a lot of work being done administratively, and I would like to congratulate the Chisinau authorities for the fact that they have succeeded in achieving these integration steps in record time in recent years. I congratulate them for the fact that they are a reliable partner for the EU and for the fact that they resolutely and with dignity represent the interests of the citizens", Mureșan said.

The MEP is today in Chisinau where he is expected to have several meetings with Moldovan officials.




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