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Parliament marks 10th anniversary of ratification of Moldova-EU Association Agreement

18:24 | 02.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 2 /MOLDPRES/- Parliament marks today the 10th anniversary of the ratification of the EU-Moldova Association Agreement. The document has brought many benefits to citizens, and negotiations on Moldova's accession to the EU have recently started.

Over the past ten years, Moldova has advanced on its European path and relations with the EU have entered a strategic stage. In 2022, our country obtained the status of candidate country, and recently, negotiations on Moldova's accession to the EU have started.

EU assistance and support to the Republic of Moldova has brought tangible benefits to Moldovan citizens over the years, such as: increased exports of Moldovan products to the EU; visa-free travel in the Schengen area; reduced roaming tariffs with European countries; academic mobility for students and teachers.

During the period, the EU has provided substantial financial support for: modernization of educational institutions and hospitals in our country; road repairs; justice reform and the fight against corruption; strengthening the energy and security sectors; combating disinformation and hybrid threats.



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