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NATO Summit // Final declaration sees strategic importance of Black Sea region, support for Moldova

11:47 | 11.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 11 /MOLDPRES/- Final declaration of NATO summit sees that the Black Sea region is of strategic importance for the Alliance and it will continue to monitor developments in the region, focusing on security threats, according to Agerpres.

The Black Sea region is mentioned in the final statement along with the Western Balkans, with the allies saying that "we remain strongly committed to security and stability."

"We will continue to develop political dialogue and cooperation with the Western Balkans to support reforms, regional peace and security, and counter malign influences, including disinformation, hybrid and cyber threats from state and non-state actors," the allied leaders say in the adopted text on the region.

"We remain committed to NATO's continued engagement in the Western Balkans, including through NATO's force in Kosovo (KFOR)," the text reads.

As regards the Black Sea region, Allied leaders reaffirm their "continued support for regional Allies' efforts to support security, safety, stability and freedom of navigation in the Black Sea region, including through the Montreux Convention of 1936".

Allied leaders also "welcome the activation by three Black Sea Allies of the Black Sea Mine Countermeasures Task Group". The initiative is a joint initiative of Turkey, Romania and Bulgaria and was launched in January this year following the signing of a trilateral agreement in Istanbul.

"We will continue to monitor and assess developments in the region and raise awareness of the circumstances, with a particular focus on threats to our security and potential opportunities for closer cooperation with partners in the region. NATO supports the Euro-Atlantic aspirations of interested countries in the region," the final statement reads.

Regarding the Republic of Moldova, the allies call on Russia "to withdraw all forces from the Republic of Moldova and Georgia stationed there without their consent".

At the same time, support for the Republic of Moldova is mentioned in a paragraph on the importance of NATO partnerships in ensuring "a 360-degree security".

In this context, the allies say, "we welcome Modova's efforts to continue the democratic reforms and progress, such as the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, European integration, and are committed to supporting the security and defense capabilities and developing the capacity to counter hybrid threats".




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