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Moldova to receive grant worth 6 million euros for construction or renovation of energy efficient social dwellings

12:59 | 18.07.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 18 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) will provide Moldova with a grant worth 6 million euros, in order to ensure the standards of energy efficiency for the social dwellings which are to be constructed or renovated. The parliament today ratified an agreement which provides for this.   

The agreement on grant between Moldova and CEB regards the implementation of the energy efficiency measures of the project, Public Dwellings III. It stipulates the construction or renovation of 450 social dwellings, as well as student hostels and asylums. Respectively, decision-makers will implement energy efficiency measures, which will cut the consumption of energy and the emissions of CO2, will ensure the enhancement of the level of comfort and the quality of the air, will reduce the energy burden on long term.    

To implement the project, CEB provided Moldova with a local amounting to 20 million euros. Besides this grant, the Green and Social Investments Fund will provide another one million euros in non-refundable financing.   

Also, Moldova’s contribution is made up of the financial part of 1.1 million euros on behalf of the local public authorities or public entities and non-financial part, which consists of lands or unfinished constructions, technical documentation and technical expertise of constructions, worth 6.2 million euros.   



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