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Parliament speaker visits central Moldova district

20:47 | 22.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 22 July /MOLDPRES/ - Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu today paid a visit to the central Ialoveni district, where he discussed with mayors and representatives of the state’s institutions. Also, the speaker moved to several settlements, where he saw projects implemented within the European Village and Express European Village programmes. Igor Grosu also discussed with more entrepreneurs who do businesses and create jobs in rural settlements, the parliament’s communication and public relations department has reported.  

The working visit started with a discussion with mayors and decision-makers in charge of institutions from the Ialoveni district, focused on the projects implemented in the area, opportunities and plans for the next period. Among them, there is the rehabilitation of water and sewerage systems, which presently cover 20 per cent of the needs.  In the context, Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu noted that the development and modernization of settlements was possible including due to the European integration way of Moldova, which is also the country’s national goal.     

„The accession to the European Union needs everybody’s involvement. We, at the parliament, must harmonize about 40,000 normative acts to the EU’s legislation. This is a difficult process, but we will focus on the experience of the neighbour countries and will optimize the process. Locally, it is necessary to optimize the capacities of absorption of pre-accession funds,’’ Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu said.      

In continuation, the speaker went to the Suruceni and Nimoreni villages, where projects were implemented within the European Village and Express European Village programmes. It is worth mentioning that, in the last three years, 34 projects have been implemented in the district and the investments exceed 100 million lei. For instance, in Suruceni, 4.6 million lei was meant for the renovation of the community centre’s façade, the building’s thermal insulation and the repair of the roof.         

Also, a photovoltaic system was set on the roof of the gymnasium from the Nimoreni village. At the same time, a modern sports complex was built in the institution’s yard, from which local residents of all ages will benefit.   

„In the last three years, the kindergartens, schools, community centres have been modernized, playgrounds and football fields were constructed, roads were repaired, streets were illuminated and households were supplied with water. For the 2024 year, the mayors and the local public administration from Ialoveni, with whom I discussed today, are set to continue these projects, which aim at modernizing our villages and cities, providing worthy conditions of living for each resident,’’ Igor Grosu stressed.   

The parliament speaker went also to Iurie Cimpoies, who owns a factory for making biscuits and who is importer and distributor of grocery products. The biscuits produced in Suruceni are sold both in shops from Moldova and are exported to European Union countries. To develop his business, which has over 40 employees, Iurie Cimpoies benefited from support through more programmes financed by the state, such as the ones implementation by the Organization for Entrepreneurship Development (ODA). Respectively, 2.1 million lei was invested in solar panels. Due to them, the entrepreneur no longer spends money for electric energy and monthly saves about 50,000 lei. Thanks to the support provided by the state, Iurie Cimpoies bought transport means with which it carries his goods to shops from Moldova.      

Also in a Suruceni, Igor Grosu visited Artiom Stancov, who after more years of work abroad, returned to Moldova and turned his passion into business. He has a nursery where he grows various kinds of decorative plants. The parliament speaker discussed with entrepreneurs the state’s instruments meant for backing the business environment. ‘’The loan guaranteeing funds, the 373 Programme on support of entrepreneurs or FACEM are just some of the instruments which we use, in order to provide support to entrepreneurs and help them develop the business and create jobs for citizens,’’ the parliament speaker added.         

Also today, Igor Grosu visited a tourist attraction from the Ialoveni district – gallery of collections Petru Costin, which contains 25 topic-related collections – military uniforms, the biggest collection of customs caps; a unique collection of 45 Soviet flags; a collection of over 800 radio apparatus; ethnographic objects collected from different settlements of the country; a collection of samovars; old icons and other precious objects collected by Petru Costin from people’s homes. Moreover, Costin got two Guinness records, due to tens of thousands of horseshoes he has.      

Traditionally the visit by the parliament to the territory included also discussions with citizens, focused on authorities’ efforts to continue the European integration way, the country’s reformation and the development of settlements.  








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