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Caravan of Nursing starts in Hancesti, to continue in more settlements of Moldova

19:29 | 23.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 23 July /MOLDPRES/ - The Caravan of Nursing started in Hancesti and will continue in more settlements of Moldova. At the event, dozens of families were informed by experts in health, nutrition and nursing about the benefits of the nursing and the nursing process.   

According to the National Public Health Agency (ANSP), in 2020, the level of children’s exclusive nursing in the first six months of life stood at the level of 78.4 per cent and in 2022 – 80.4 per cent.   

The Caravan of Nursing 2024 is organized by the Health Ministry and the World Health Organization, with the support of the Delegation of the European Union in Moldova and the government of the United States. The next informing events of this year will take place in the cities of Balti, Cantemir, Leova, Chisinau and the Carpineni village (Hancesti district).  The event is at its fifth edition.   

Health sector specialists say that the maternal milk has a unique composition and is essential for the growing and development of babies. The nursing bring benefits also to mothers, reducing the risks of the appearance of the ovarian and breast cancers. The World Health Organization recommends the exclusive nursing up to the age of six months, with the additional food introduced simultaneously with the nursing, prescribed till the age of two years. In the world, only 48 per cent of babies are exclusively nursed in the first six months of life.     






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