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Ambassador of France to Moldova awarded Order of Honour

12:56 | 24.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 24 July /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu today received Ambassador of France Graham Paul, who ends his mandate in Moldova, the presidential press service has reported.  

The head of state said that France was one of the best and most reliable friends of Moldova. The president also thanked the diplomat for the major contributions of his country to the European integration way of Moldova, for the support in the implementation of reforms in the key sectors, as well as for the strengthening of the country’s resilience. Maia Sandu welcomed the initiation of the European Political Community (EPC) – an important platform of discussions, which contributes to the stability and security in Europe. Also, the head of state emphasized the valuable support received on behalf of French partners for the organization of the second edition of EPC in Moldova.     

The Moldovan president appreciated the work of the ambassador, on whose period the political, economic and cultural relations had progressed considerably. The head of state highlighted the boosting of the dialogue with France at the highest level and, at the same time, the importance of the Francophonie, which strengthens the friendship relations between the two nations.     

President Maia Sandu awarded the Order of Honour to Ambassador of France Graham Paul, as a token of gratitude and high valuing.  







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