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Public Services Agency says over 360,000 residents of Transnistrian region have Moldova's citizenship

16:46 | 25.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 25 July /MOLDPRES/ - As many as 360,215 residents from the Transnistrian region hold Moldova’s citizenship, according to data by the Public Services Agency (ASP). The information regards the situation recorded on 30 June 2024.     

ASP notes that, in the last six years, 29,677 residents of the Transnistrian region got the Moldovan citizenship. At the same time, the institution says that, due to the amendments to the normative framework on the simplification of the procedure of acquiring of Moldova’s citizenship, on the period 19 April 2018 – 30 June 2024, in the conditions of the new legal provisions, 39,176 people were recognized as citizens of Moldova, of whom 26,350 (67 per cent) are residents of the Transnistrian region. They got also identity papers of Moldova’s citizen.        

In 2023, 2,365 residents of the left bank of Dniester and Bender municipality got identity acts of Moldova’s citizen and in the first six months of the 2024 year, their number stood at 1,909 beneficiaries.   

A constant dynamic is maintained in the process of documentation with national model acts of the foreigners from the Transnistrian region; in the first half of the 2024 year, 8,968 people were put in the records, of whom 4,101 are holders of permanent stay permits, 1,732 with temporary stay permits, 1,247 hold the identity card for stateless people, 5 identity cards for refugees and 12 identity cards for the beneficiaries of humanitarian protection.    

According to information provided by the Public Services Agency, on 30 June 2024, 369,183 residents with residence in the Transnistrian region were put in the records in the state Register of the population, of whom:   

-  360, 215 hold Moldova’s citizenship (330, 538 in 2020 or +29, 677/ 8.2 per cent ),

- 339, 377 have passports of Moldova’s citizen (305,406 in 2020 or +33, 971/ 10 per cent),

- 303,708 identity cards (274,198 in 2020 or +29, 510/ 9.7 per cent).



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