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Moldovan Foreign Affairs Ministry says leadership not to allow doubting good holding, legitimacy of elections

17:20 | 16.10.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 16 October /MOLDPRES/ - The Foreign Affairs Ministry (MAE) has taken note of the information which appeared in public space on attempts to organize illegal carriage of voters to polling stations in Russia. MAE noted that ‘’the leadership will not allow the doubting of the good holding of the elections or their legitimacy.’’   

According to the ministry, the goal of these attempts is to doubt the legitimacy of the ballot.  

„MAE attracts the attention of the Russian authorities and of any entities about the non-allowing of the attempts of jeopardizing of the electoral process through actions contrary to the law and meant, artificially, to make the impression of agglomerations at the polling stations at our Embassy in Moscow,’’ the institution specified.   

MAE also said that the competent authorities of Moldova would ensure a good carrying out of the presidential elections and the constitutional referendum, in accordance with the national electoral legislation and the international standards on electoral matters.

„Any attempts of evading or infringing these provisions will be sanctioned accordingly. We will not allow the doubting of the good holding of the elections of their legitimacy,’’ MAE stressed.

Two polling stations will be opened in Russia for the elections due on 20 October. As many as 228 polling stations will be opened in 37 countries for the republican constitutional referendum and the presidential elections.  



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