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PM has meeting with local public authorities' representatives from north Moldova district

13:39 | 25.07.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 25 July /MOLDPRES/ - The modernization of the regional infrastructure from north Moldova and the development of settlements, with emphasis on people’s needs, have been discussed at a meeting of Prime Minister Dorin Recean with representatives of the local public authorities (APL) and the deconcentrated services of the northern Ocnita district.    

The PM emphasized that the authorities stayed concerned about the settlement of the problems faced by the citizens and the main priorities of the government in the dialogue with the local administration dealt with the construction of aqueducts, sewerage systems and roads.

„We edify at home a better, prosperous, decent life – medical, social and education services of a high quality, as in the European Union. Our common goal is to bring Europe to each settlement. We know that this is possible – we see this also through the investments made via the European Village programme,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.    

In the context, the PM urged the local authorities to benefit from the opportunities provided by the European Village Programme, in order to invest in roads, kindergartens, schools and hospitals, as well as to exercise in the writing of projects. Sixteen projects have been already implemented in Ocnita, with an overall value of 31 million lei and an increased interest in the settlement’s development based on the governmental programme is recorded in continuation.  

The prime minister referred also to the importance of the referendum on the European integration, which will prove the unity and the support of the society for the project on accession to EU. ‘’We have a unique chance to edify together the social cohesion around our country project – the European Moldova.’’ 

In discussions, the mayors of the region touched upon the Ocnita industrial platform, the dwellings owned by the Public Property Agency and the need to modernize the infrastructure.

Another discussion with residents of the region regarded the goal of economic growth and country’s transformation according to the EU’s model. ‘’The people believe in the European future of Moldova and I know that the European integration means more possibilities of development for their settlements,’’ the PM stressed.  









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