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Twenty five parties receive allocations worth over 46 million lei from state budget in Moldova in 2023

18:06 | 25.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 25 July /MOLDPRES/ - Twenty five political parties in 2023 received allocations worth over 46 million lei from the state budget. Data to this effect was included in the Report of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) on the financing of the political parties and electoral campaigns, unveiled at the parliament’s plenary meeting today.     

Under the document, the financial means were provided for the performances achieved at the local, presidential or parliamentary elections held during 2019, 2020 and 2021. At the same time, nine political formations did not benefit from allocations, as they had not submitted information on the requisites of the bank accounts or said they did not have bank accounts. At the same time, CEC suspended the payment of the allocations from the state budget to the Shor Political Party, declared unconstitutional, and to the People’s Political Party of Moldova.  

The report presented by CEC also contains information on the financing of the electoral campaigns organized during 2023, as well as the sanctions imposed to political parties for the infringements concerning the financial sector. Respectively, in 2023, 23 parties were warned and two formations were demanded to return to the state budget the sums of money which run counter the law.    

Also, during the electoral campaign for the local elections from 5 November 2023, CEC adopted six decisions on the supervision of the incomes and expenses of the electoral contenders and 20 decisions on the control of financing by private people and legal entities. As a result, CEC issued 182 warnings, a deprivation from allocations, a request of exclusion from the electoral race, 126 challenges as to the unveiling of information and 13 challenges to transfer sums of money to the state budget.  

Based on the report presented, the parliament approved a draft decision, thereby recommending that the Commission ensures, in continuation, the permanent supervision and the control of the observance of the legal provisions concerning the financing of the political parties and electoral campaigns, as well as enhances the efforts for the efficient implementation of the new legal provisions in the field, adopted by the parliament in 2023.   

Also, on the next period, CEC will develop efficient mechanisms for enhancing the transparency in the field of financing parties and campaigns and will submit to the parliament proposals on the improvement of the normative framework in this respect.  



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