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WE BRING EUROPE HOME: Central Moldova health centre has modern radiology laboratory, medical imagistics

10:52 | 26.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, 26 July /MOLDPRES/ - The European Union and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have modernized the laboratory of radiology and medical imagistics with an investment of over 185,000 euros. After almost four decades, the patients of the Criuleni Health Centre can benefit from modernized radiological services.     

Not only the chest X-ray, but also bone X-ray can be made at the new apparatus, which allows physicians identify fractures or luxations. Thus, patients will no longer have to move to other medical institutions, in order to benefit from radiology services.   

The residents of the Criuleni and Dubasari districts, including the residents from the left bank of Dniester, will benefit from the services provided by the new medical equipment. The purchasing of a station of radiology and imagistics, including the renovation works, were possible with the support of the Confidence Building Measures Programme of the European Union, implemented by UNDP.  

„The old equipment of microradiography, set in 1987, has not been functional since 2022. On the pandemic period, it worked maximally, but with great difficulties. We had to contract services from the district hospital which, because of the big volume of investigations, was often deteriorating. Once the new equipment set, we will have opportunity to investigate more residents from the risk groups of the Criuleni and Dubasari districts,’’ the head of the Criuleni Health Centre, Violeta Panico, said.     

The new X-ray apparatus is connected to a computer which preserves the electronic archive for a quantity of 1,000 films, as well as to a medical printer for films. At the same time, individual equipment of radioactive protection was provided for the laboratory’s staff.   

Besides the procurement of the new X-ray apparatus, works of renovation and re-arrangement of the room dedicated to the laboratory were carried out. The electricity, heating and ventilation networks were changed. The finishing in the X-ray room was carried out in line with the new sanitary standards. The laboratory was endowed with advanced technological furniture, resistant to the action of the X-rays.  

Over 60,000 patients, including from the left bank of Dniester, are annually consulted at the Criuleni Health Centre.  

Starting from 2009, EU has financed a string of projects means to improve the medical assistance sector from the region, by providing vital equipment and renovating five health centres from the security zone, the Rezina hospital and the Criuleni hospital. Besides, the exchanges of experience between specialists and professionals in the health sector from both banks of Dniester consolidated the cooperation and improved the capacity of the medical staff. Eight sanitary units were renovated on the right bank alone in all, with investments worth over 1 million euros, from which 40,000 people from both banks benefited.       



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