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Moldovan PM meets Polish prime minister at government's headquarters

16:35 | 04.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 4 September /MOLDPRES/ - Prime Minister of Poland Donald Tusk pays a visit to Chisinau. The Polish official was met by Prime Minister Dorin Recean at the government’s headquarters during an official ceremony.    

Donald Tusk and Dorin Recean will have a meeting, after which they will give a news conference. Today evening, Donald Tusk will give a speech at a festive meeting of Moldova’s parliament.

The PM of Poland will also have meetings with President Maia Sandu and Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu. 

Donald Tusk was born in Gdansk, Poland, on 22 April 1957. In 1976, he started the education in history at the Gdansk University, where he began getting involved in activities against the Communist regime. In 1990s, Donald Tusk was MP, holding, inter alia, the office of deputy speaker of the Senate.    

In 2001, Donald Tusk was one of the initiators of the new centre party, Civic Platform, and in 2003, he became leader of this party. In 2007, following a difficult campaign, he defeated the right-wing party at rule and became prime minister. Tusk held this position during seven years, which made him the PM with the longest mandate of the democratic Poland and the first prime mister re-elected.  .

During seven-year mandate, Poland continued to maintain its economic growth and on the crisis period, the economy of Poland grew by almost 20 per cent – a record performance for Europe.  

Donald Tusk is an influential person in the European Union’s institutions, being president of the European Council during five years.

In 2014, Donald Tusk was elected president of the European Council and in 2017, he was re-elected for the second mandate of two years and a half. His mandate ended on 30 November 2019. Donald Tusk, member of the family of the European People’s Party, was the first president of the European Council coming from a countries from the Eastern Europe.    

In 2021, the biggest Polish opposition party, Civic Platform, asked the former PM, Donald Tusk, to return to the domestic politics.    

In late last year, the pro-European liberal, Donald Tusk, received the vote of confidence of the Polish parliament for the office of prime minister, following eight years of governance of conservatives from the Law and Justice Party, who were in permanent conflict with the Brussels on the subject of the rule of law state.   






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