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Ministerial Conference of Moldova Partnership Platform to bring together 65 official delegations

12:24 | 11.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 11 September /MOLDPRES/ - Sixty five delegations led by ministers, deputy ministers and state secretaries of the partner countries, representatives of the diplomatic corps and international organizations are expected to take part in the   fifth edition of the Ministerial Conference of the Moldova Partnership Platform. Moldova’s friends will come to convey an as clear as possible message, a joint message: ‘’We are for a European, modern and safe Moldova.’’  Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Affairs Minister Mihai Popsoi conveyed a message to this effect at a news conference today.      

The official stressed that the event would be held in Chisinau on 17 September 2024, under the patronage of Prime Minister Dorin Recean.  

„We will focus our efforts at those four working groups of the platform. The first group will be the justice, anticorruption and security; the second group – energy, energy efficiency and environment; the third group – sustainable economic development and strategic infrastructure and the fourth group – reform of the public administration and management of public money. Our goal is to identify, in accordance with the resources and the priorities of development which we assumed for the period 2025-2027, the concrete points and actions, as well as the necessities of additional resources which we need to increase the incomes from sustainable sources and to create well-paid jobs and decent conditions for living here at home,’’ Mihai Popsoi said.   

The official emphasized that, to ensure opportunities of economic development and enhance the people’s well-being, the authorities were set to connect Moldova to the European Union as much as possible.   

„This can be achieved through investments in infrastructure. It is important that, through investments in the energy efficiency, we reduce the energy vulnerability and the high costs. We should further boost the economic growth through backing the business environment. The meeting of the Partnership Platform is recognition of the commitment taken by Moldova’s government and our citizens to anchor our country into an area of peace, prosperity and democracy. We prove once again that Moldova is a provider of stability. A country where we edify the democracy, transform opportunities for the well-being of our citizens,’’ Mihai Popsoi noted.    

Also, the deputy PM thanked the partners who support Moldova. ‘’Launched by Germany, France and Romania in March 2022, after a wide-sale invasion of Russia against Ukraine, this platform helped us cope with multiple vulnerabilities, maintain the stability, continue the economic and social reforms. The foreign affairs ministers, the co-heads of this Platform, the ministers from France, Germany, Romania have an essential role in the functionality of the platform, for which we are extremely grateful to them,’’ Mihai Popsoi also said.  

The Moldovan diplomacy head underlined that, after the holding of the first three editions of the Platform in Berlin, Bucharest and Paris, Moldova had assumed the role of coordinator of the Platform’s work through the organization of the fourth Conference in Chisinau in October 2023.     

„Through those four editions of the Platform’s conference, we have managed to mobilize an as possible as solid support on behalf of the international community. Due to the contributions of the partners to the energy vulnerability reduction Fund, our citizens were able to benefit from compensations in invoice. We were able to provide assistance to our Ukrainian neighbours and friends. At same time, we could efficiently manage the security at the border. We consolidated our capacity to retort to the hybrid threats, advancing, at the same time, in our agenda on the European dimension and consolidation of the social and economic resilience,’’ Mihai Popsoi stressed.       

The foreign affairs minister said that concrete initiatives had been carried out for the citizens’ lives through the Platform. He referred to the enhancement of the energy security through the implementation of energy efficiency projects for 25 educational and social public building, providing of more efficient and safer services of heating and supply with hot water for consumers, diminution of the consumption of thermal energy for consumers in 57 apartment blocks and over 200 public institutions from all over Moldova.  

„As we advance on our European integration path, we also firmly advance in the implementation of the reforms for our citizens. In the context, this initiative evolves from a Support Platform, focused on responses to crises, and turns into a partnership, which will be focused on the medium- and long-term cooperation, in order to consolidate even more our efforts and resources in the achievement of our goal – the country’s development,’’ Mihai Popsoi specified.   

The Moldova Support Platform is an initiative by Romania, Germany and France, which is aimed at generating immediate political, financial and material assistance, as well as deep expertise for the process of democratic reform on behalf of the European Union’s institutions and member states, of G7 countries, international financial institutions and international organizations, as well as of other development partners. The goal of the Conference’s organization is to mobilize, concentrate and coordinate the political, technical and financial support of developed countries for Moldova.  

The first edition of the ministerial conference of the Moldova Support Platform took place in Berlin on 5 April 2022. The second edition was held in Bucharest on 15 July 2022. The third edition took place in Paris on 21 November 2022. The next edition was held in Chisinau on 17 October 2023.  




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