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Moldova's Embassy in Israel warns citizens from Gush Dan alert area to stay close to protection space

21:23 | 01.10.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 1 October /MOLDPRES/ - The Embassy of Moldova in Israel has warned the citizens from the Gush Dan alert area to stay close to a protection area (MADAM, MAMAC, shelter, inside staircase or inside chamber) till a new notification. An announcement to this effect was made today evening, in the context of the current security conditions in the region.   

The diplomatic mission said that the staying in the protection space was essential in emergency case.

„In case of an alert, you must enter a protection space and stay there during at least ten minutes. It is recommended that you update the information from mass media and want for additional instructions,’’ the quoted source said.    

For more information, citizens can call the 104 emergency phone number or can visit the national emergency portal.

The international news agencies note that the Israeli Army today informed that missiles had been launched from Iran to Israel, noting that the alerts were heard on the whole territory of Israel. The Israeli media sources say that Iran launched over 100 missiles on Israel. The U.S. Embassy in Israel ordered that its staff and their families go to shelters.      



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