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GOVERNMENT BUILDS: State-funded multifunctional sports complex to be built in Soldanesti

13:14 | 03.10.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, Oct 3 /MOLDPRES/- Regional Development Agency (ADR) Center, Soldanesti city hall and KVM Cons company have signed a contract for modernization works of the multipurpose sports complex in Soldanesti, which is expected to be completed by late 2025.

According to ADR Center, the project Revitalization and modernization of the multifunctional sports complex in Soldanesti aims to improve the existing sports infrastructure within 12 months. It also aims to modernize the conditions for sports activities for the residents of Soldanesti district and neighboring localities.

ADR Center director Ion Pînzari emphasized the importance of this type of projects for the harmonious development of the Center Region, noting that the project will play a key role in improving the quality of life by facilitating access to sports and recreational activities, promoting a healthy lifestyle and strengthening social cohesion among the inhabitants. "The works will create suitable conditions for local and regional sports competitions, while facilitating the integration of children from schools and pre-schools in sports and recreational activities," said Ion Pînzari.

Once the works are completed, the beneficiaries will enjoy a modernized sports complex. In addition, this project will boost cooperation between local public authorities at levels I and II to developing sports infrastructure and promoting a healthy lifestyle in the region.

The project is part of intervention area 2.3 Urban revitalization and infrastructure development of public spaces and was submitted by Soldanesti city hall under the competitive call for projects organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development. The funding, totaling about 18.7 million lei (93500 euros), is provided by the National Fund for Regional and Local Development, with co-financing from Soldanesti city hall.



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