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European Village // Stefan Voda house of culture repaired, transformed into multifunctional administrative center

19:15 | 11.07.2024 Category: Regional

Chisinau, July 10 /MOLDPRES/- Stefan Voda house of culture has been repaired and transformed into a multifunctional administrative center. The works have been carried out under the European Village program, with over 8.7 million lei invested. 

According to the National Office for Regional and Local Development (ONDRL), the building has been completely rehabilitated and made energy efficient. The renovation included the replacement of the carpentry, the reconstruction of the roof, the thermo-insulation of the facade and the complete reconstruction of the staircase. 

The total value of the project is about 8.773 million lei. The money was allocated by the Moldovan Government through the National Fund for Regional and Local Development.

Vladislav Cociu, the mayor of the locality, says that thanks to the project implemented through the European Village Program, the local community has strengthened its cultural activities, the interest of people from the diaspora to stay at home has increased, and the city of Stefan Voda has become more attractive for investments, including from abroad.

ONDRL data show that so far, through the European Village, 1st edition, and European Village Express, 82 cultural buildings and historical monuments in the Republic of Moldova have been renovated/modernized/fitted with furniture and equipment.






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