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Ukrainian Statehood Day // Moldovan Deputy Prime Minister in Kiev

15:56 | 15.07.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, July 15 /MOLDPRES/- Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration Cristina Gherasimov is in the Ukrainian capital, Kiev. The official paid homage to Ukrainian heroes on the day when Ukraine marks Statehood Day.

For the third year in a row, Ukraine is marking Statehood Day against the backdrop of a devastating war waged by the Russian Federation. "Their struggle is a remarkable lesson of dignity for all of us who value life, peace and freedom. A lesson handed down from father to son and coming from the ancestors Ukraine honors on this day," said Gherasimov.

The Chisinau official noted that for a country at war, statehood is not a mere word, and the loss of statehood would mean giving up the very essence of this nation. "Ukraine's resistance also means security and peace for Moldova. We will only be able to respond to brutal Russian aggression together with democracies across the European continent," Gherasimov said.

"The European path is the only way to restore peace and tranquility to the region. Peace that will ensure the prosperity we aspire to and the chance to develop as free and independent sovereign states. States living in good understanding," the official said.






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