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National Integrity Authority finds out unjustified wealth of praetor from Moldovan capital

12:43 | 22.07.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 22 July /MOLDPRES/ - The National Integrity Authority (ANI) has issued a damage inspection report on the infringement of the legal regime of the declaring of wealth and personal interests as regards a praetor from Chisinau.  

Thus, ANI found out the presence of a substantial difference and the holding of unjustified wealth, in the 2017 fiscal year, in an amount of 131,492 lei between the wealth acquired and the incomes got by the subject and his family members.  

„The subject of the control was not able to present justifications as to the financial assets which are found out as differences between his incomes and the expenses. After the final remaining of the damage inspection report, the labour relation will be interrupted for the subject and he will be deprived of the right to hold a public office for a period of three years, with the recording in the Register of bans. The cause will be sent to court, for the confiscation of the unjustified wealth,’’ ANI noted.   

The person subjected to control has right to appeal the damage inspection report, which is not final at present.



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