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Investment in sport has grown significantly, historic results of our athletes compel us to do even more in coming years - education minister says

14:01 | 13.08.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, August 13 /MOLDPRES/- Investments in sports have increased considerably in recent years, from 381 million lei spent in 2021, to 686 million lei allocated in 2024, which means an 80% increase. Resources were allocated to increase scholarships for performance athletes, cover vitaminization costs, renovate the Sports Center, increase salaries for coaches, increase prize funds and funds for sports federations. Minister of Education and Research Dan Perciun made the statement. He said "the historical results of our athletes compel us to do even more in the coming years".

According to the minister, the number of sports scholarship recipients increased from 121 to 152, and the amount allocated for scholarships tripled, from 8.9 million in 2021 to 33.3 million lei in 2024. 

The minister also added that already only after the first round of submission of files, we have the best admission to the Institute of Physical Education and Sports in recent years. 527 young people opted to become coaches, physical education teachers, masseuses, physiotherapists and public security specialists.

The institute was found as a separate structure with three faculties within Moldova State University and "enjoys a growing popularity", says Dan Perciun. "10 million lei were allocated from the state budget for the modernization of the Institute's pool in the city center, and the university identified resources from its own income for additional investments. The Institute will also benefit from support from Romania for the opening of a University Medical Training and Rehabilitation Center and a Motor Training and Evaluation Center - cumulative investments of 3 million lei this year", he said.

The Republic of Moldova participated with 26 athletes in the Olympic Games in Paris and won four medals, for the first time since participating in the Olympic Games with a separate delegation, twice as many as in 1996 and 2000.





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