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REFERENDUM 2024 // One of leaders of Moldova's National Liberation Movement says there is no other solution but an outright ''Yes'' and massive participation in referendum

15:54 | 23.08.2024 Category: Referendum 2024

Moldova’s citizens on 20 October 2024 will participate in a constitutional referendum, during which they will answer the question: ‘’Do you support the amendment of the Constitution for the Republic of Moldova’s accession to the European Union?’’  

The results of the plebiscite will represent ground, if most residents answer affirmatively to this question, for the amendment of Moldova’s Constitution, so that the European integration’s desideratum should be compulsory for all governances due to come.  

Moldova’s accession to the European Union is a realistic goal, which can be achieved through getting a good score at the referendum due on 20 October. There is no other option but an outright ‘’Yes’’. A poet, publicist, MP in the Parliament of Independence Ion Hadarca has made statements to this effect. The compromising of this exercise would throw Moldova 30 years back and would be a catastrophe for the country, the leader of the National Liberation Movement, Ion Hadarca, said within the REFERENDUM 2024 campaign, carried out by the MOLDPRES State News Agency.      

Ion Hadarca, poet, publicist, first deputy speaker of Moldova’s Parliament  (1990-1993): „There are three big segments of attitude towards the idea of the referendum: there are the ones of the area of the hybrid war. We have already heard that a party with the ‘’No’’ option was registered. There are also people who try, at distance, to guide, to manipulate, to buy, to compromise this course, to do their utmost for an as modest as possible participation. There is also the segment of the people out-of-the-way, who do not know and do not understand even till present and judge things at a rudimentary level.   

There is also already the generation grown with European values, schooled with the Romanian language, with conscience, which knows that we have no other option but the European integration.  

The danger is quite high – the collapsing, compromising of this process can push us back by over 30 years and this would be a catastrophe for Moldova and for all our community.  

There is no other solution but an outright ‘’Yes,’’ a massive participation and also of the people from our Diaspora. You should know that the empire processes the minds of those who are far away from the country; they are more isolated and get under the influence of small groups which orient them in completely other directions.    

The greatest danger is the creation, through this denial, through non-participation and through a modest result, of a buffer zone behind Ukraine. This would be an unforgiveable danger. All cards are in our hands. If we provide and give these positive signals, it might happen that the accession of Moldova to the European Union occur till 2030.   

I watched the visit by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to Chisinau – a quite strong signal of our support, of giving a helping hand to us. The chancellor just said that he would unconditionally support our European course.

I think that all ways are opened to us. Now it is up to us. Moldova’s accession to the European Union is a realistic objective, if we maintain, through a more than honourable result, a good score at this referendum. The majority supports this course!’’  







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