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Moldovan president says Moldova to be able to increase even more investments in villages, cities by getting closer to EU

13:59 | 05.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/ - President Maia Sandu has appreciated the record investments in local development projects. The actions are carried out through the European Village programme, launched in 2022. ‘’By getting closer to the European Union, we will be able to increase even more the investments in villages and cities,’’ President Maia Sandu said.

The Moldovan president noted that, in the last years, record investments had been registered in the development of Moldova’s settlements.

„Starting from 2021, the government has made record investments in the local development – the biggest ones since the proclamation of Independence, of 2.85 billion lei. Our plan is ambitious, but we proved that it is realistic and brings concrete benefits to the Moldovans – the European Village programme will reach, village after village, all over Moldova. By getting closer to the European Union, we will be able to increase even more the investments in villages and cities,’’ Maia Sandu said.   

The European Village programme was launched in 2022, at initiative by the head of state. The programme comprised, at the first edition, about 500 projects on settlements’ development.

Subsequently, President Maia Sandu proposed the Express European Village national programme, in order to allow settlements implement quick projects, which need less financial resources. The programme includes about 400 projects on modernization of the infrastructure in Moldova’s villages.  

As many as 612 projects were selected within the European Village National Programme, the 2024 edition. Transformed in infrastructure objects, they mean for the settlements of the country: 1,172 km of aqueduct networks built, from which over 85,000 households will benefit; 221km of sewerage networks for about 21,000 households; 455 km of street illumination network, from which over 104,000 residents will benefit; 215 social public buildings reconstructed and rehabilitated, which means 52 kindergartens, 37 gymnasiums, 62 sports complexes, 63 community centres, playgrounds, leisure areas, libraries, multifunctional centres, etc.

Depending on the region, the projects are to be implemented: in the North Region – 199 projects; Centru Region – 256 projects; South Region – 130 projects; Chisinau Region – 12 projects, Region of the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia – 15 projects.   





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