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Moldovan PM has meeting with local authorities from Rezina district

17:05 | 05.09.2024 Category: Official

Chisinau, 5 September /MOLDPRES/ - Opportunities of development of settlements, with emphasis on the improvement of the citizens’ living standards, today were discussed by Prime Minister Dorin Recean with mayors and representatives of de-concentrated public authorities from the northern Rezina district, the government’s communication department has reported.     

The PM referred to the importance of consolidating the efforts of the public authorities of all levels, for solving the present problems in communities and speed up the process of the country’s transformation.  

„Our responsibility is to mobilize and bring tangible benefits to the people through the European integration and modernization of settlements in Rezina. All of us want a life in peace and prosperity and we will continue supporting the development of the villages and cities from all over the country, according to the European model,’’ Prime Minister Dorin Recean said.    

In the context, the PM touched upon the government’s investments in infrastructure, which had grown in the last three years – the corridor 10 of transport was made available for use, which crosses the villages of Meșeni, Ignăței, Peciște, Pripiceni-Răzești, Pripiceni-Curchi and Trifești. There are 36.5 km of road which connects Rezina to Telenesti and Orhei, from which about 15,000 residents of these villages directly benefit.   

Also, through the European Village programme, 35 million lei was invested in projects on water and sewerage, streets’ illumination, renovation and endowment of cultural and education buildings. Another 35 million lei will be invested in 15 settlements of the district on the next period.   

„The quality of projects from the second call of the European Village Programme increased considerably, which means that we will be more prepared for the accessing of European funds,’’ PM Dorin Recean said.

At the meeting, the sides also tackled subjects on the repair of local roads, providing efficient transport between settlements, modernization of public institutions and creation of needed conditions for pupils. The discussions were also focused on problems dealing with the water and sewerage, as well as the access to medical services.   






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