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Exports of table grapes from Moldova to EU increase by 125 per cent in first eight months of 2024

12:46 | 10.09.2024 Category: Economic

Chisinau, 10 September /MOLDPRES/ - The exports of table grapes from Moldova to the European Union increased by 125 per cent in the first eight months of the 2024 year, against the same period of the year before. Deputy Prime Minister, Economic Development Minister Dumitru Alaiba today unveiled figures to this effect.    

The principal EU countries where Moldovan grapes are exported are Romania, Poland, Hungary, Latvia and Croatia.

More exactly, while in January-August 2023, 5,875 tons of table grapes were exported to EU, then on the same time interval this year, the quantity of grapes exported reached 13,248 tons. As much as 337 million lei came to Moldova in exchange for these exports.      

„This spectacular growth is, first of all, the result of the work and dedication of our producers, who proved that they can cope with absolutely all high requirements of the European market. In one word – quality! At the same time, this is also a vote of confidence which the European Union gives us. The table grapes are part of those seven agricultural products exported without import duties to the European market. Moreover, they overcame the quotas envisaged by about 62 per cent. This is just the beginning. We will get even more when we become European Union member state,’’ Dumitru Alaiba said.    

According to statistics, over 65 per cent of Moldova’s exports go to the European Union and more than 81 per cent of the foreign direct investments in the economy come from EU. The European Union is thus the principal investor in Moldova and the main sales market of the products from Moldova.    



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