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Moldovan Presidential Residence from Condrita to host Festival of Forests

10:57 | 11.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 11 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Presidential Residence from Condrita will host the Festival of Forests on 14 September. President Maia Sandu has invited the citizens to participate in the event, ‘’in order to celebrate together the forest and our unity for the protection of the environment.’’   

The event is organized at the Residence from Condrita for the first time ever. It is part of the National Programme on Afforestation, carried out under the aegis of President Maia Sandu.   

„During my visits to villages and cities of Moldova, I met more people who want us to have more forests. The national programme on afforestation, about which I care very much, united the people, no matter the ethnic group, political visions or likings, to do something together for the common good. Since the launch of the national programme on afforestation, we have managed to plant and regenerate almost 11,000 hectares of wood in all, with the effort of over 18,000 silviculturists and volunteers. More actions for the forestry sector and more forests planted come next. This unity and joint work is worth being celebrated at the Festival of Forests, where the doors will be open for all people fond of forests,’’ Maia Sandu said.     

Exhibitions, workshops and interactive activities will be organized at the Festival of Forests. Discussions will take place with experts in fields which regard the environmental protection. At the same time, live concerts, activities for all ages, relaxation areas and fairs will be organized.   

The Festival of Forests is organized by the Association of Environmental Journalists/Ecopresa and the Biotica Ecological Society. It is held in partnership with the Environment Ministry, with the support of the Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau.     

The National Programme on Afforestation, carried out under the aegis of Moldova’s President Maia Sandu, was launched in 2023. The action’s goal is to afforest about 150,000 hectares of land in the next ten years. The whole country participates in plantings – state’s institutions, non-governmental organizations and all people interested.    



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