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Moldova, Denmark to conclude Memorandum on cooperation in defence sector

13:39 | 11.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 11 September /MOLDPRES/ - The Defence Ministries of Moldova and Demark will conclude a Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the defence sector. The members of the parliament’s commission for foreign policy and European integration today approved the starting of the negotiations and the approval of the document’s signing.    

The memorandum of understanding has the goal to establish the framework for cooperation in the defence field, in line with the international law, the legislation of the two states and with any treaties Moldova and Denmark are parties to.   

Thus, the sides will cooperate in such sectors as the military and security policy, consolidation of the capacities, donations, mobile training teams, integration of the armed forces into a free and democratic society, etc. Respectively, the cooperation will imply visits, consultations, meetings, exchanges of opinions and seminars.     

Also, the Defence Ministries of Moldova and Denmark will be able to agree on other forms of cooperation, such as the elaboration of a programme on peace and stability as regards the strengthening of the capacities of the military and security sector from Moldova.   



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