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Moldovan parliament In Kiev says Moldova's position stays constant - Crimea is Ukraine

14:55 | 11.09.2024 Category: Political

Chisinau, 11 September /MOLDPRES/ - Our position stays constant – Crimea is Ukraine. The peace of Ukraine is the peace of Moldova and of the European Union. Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu has made statements to this effect at the fourth Summit of the International Crimea Platform, held in Kiev.   

The parliament speaker informed that, at the Crimea Platform Summit today, along with heads of state and government, he had participated in the inauguration of a national memorial dedicated to the Stalinist genocide of the Tartars from Crimea.

„Eighty years ago, all the population of Tartars from the peninsula was got into railway carriages for animals and deported to the Central Asia. Unfortunately also in 2024, the Tartar people from Crimea continues to face political persecutions and pressures on ethnic grounds, during the temporary occupation by Russia of the territory of the Crimea Autonomous Republic,’’ Grosu said.     

Speaker Igor Grosu today participates in the fourth Summit of the Crimea Platform. The event is held in Kiev and is hosted by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.   

The Summit of the Crimea Platform has the goal to consolidate the efforts of the international community for the reestablishment of Ukraine’s territorial integrity, to draw the attention to the situation in Ukraine and the infringement of the international law by Russia.

The first Summit of the Crimea Platform was held in 2021 and delegations from 43 countries participated in the event.





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