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Group of Moldovan lawmakers lay flowers at U.S. Embassy in memory of terror attacks' victims

15:38 | 11.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 11 September /MOLDPRES/ - A group of MPs today laid flowers at the Embassy of the United States in Moldova and commemorated the victims of the terror attacks from 11 September 2001.  

The lawmakers conveyed condolences to the American nation and the families of the terror attack’s victims, regarded as the bloodiest one in the history of the USA.  

Twenty three years ago, early in the morning of 11 September 2011, the first aircraft deviated by Al-Qaeda terrorists entered the World Trade Center. Minutes later, the entire planet was watching live how the second deviated aircraft hit the southern tower of the huge business centre. Another two aircrafts crashed during one hour and a half, at the Pentagon and nearby Pittsburg. As many as 2,996 people were killed and 6,000 were wounded.    




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