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Moldova's General Police Inspectorate launches work of DNA laboratory

17:49 | 11.09.2024 Category: Social

Chisinau, 11 September /MOLDPRES/ - The General Police Inspectorate (IGP) today launches the operative work of the DNA laboratory, where, at the first stage, inspection reports will be compiled in the genetic sector and on serious crimes.   

According to IGP, during a longer period, employees of the laboratory had more trainings in Romania, Hungary and Lithuania. On the period of its work, the IGP employees will benefit from support on behalf of their counterparts from Lithuania, who will monitor and guide the activity process.     

Thus, the DNA laboratory will ensure a high accuracy of the data; will optimize the work of policemen and will give possibility to gain accurate and more complete information.

Also, the law-enforcers will be able to exchange genetic data, if needed, with colleagues from EU states.  



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